10 Juillet 2021, 08:15
The BBC called it an "intimate and emotionally powerful film" in which Wicks revisits his childhood.
BBC News - Entertainment & Arts
10 Juillet 2021, 08:15
The pop star faces legal action after allegedly posting a paparazzi photo of herself on Instagram.
BBC News - Entertainment & Arts
09 Juillet 2021, 08:15
The show's star reflects on its appeal 20 years on but feels it could now be politically incorrect.
BBC News - Entertainment & Arts
09 Juillet 2021, 08:15
Cephas Williams turns a shopping centre into a gallery for his Portrait of Black Britain exhibition.
BBC News - Entertainment & Arts
09 Juillet 2021, 08:15
Fans have been hoping for Turkey’s return since 2013, when it left the competition claiming the voting system was “unfair”.
BBC News - Entertainment & Arts
09 Juillet 2021, 08:15
On the series' 20th anniversary, the BBC shows never-seen-before interview clips with Ricky Gervais.
BBC News - Entertainment & Arts
09 Juillet 2021, 08:15
Head of a Bear is more than 500 years old and has set a new record for a Leonardo da Vinci sketch.
BBC News - Entertainment & Arts
09 Juillet 2021, 08:15
The royal visitor met cast and crew at the television studios of Britain's longest running soap opera.
BBC News - Entertainment & Arts
09 Juillet 2021, 08:15
A song written by Neil Diamond 52 years ago has become the England team's unofficial Euro 2020 song.
BBC News - Entertainment & Arts
09 Juillet 2021, 08:15
The Euro 2020 tie was the most watched non-news event since the nation's World Cup exit in 2018.
BBC News - Entertainment & Arts